One thing I hear regularly from students is how much they learn from critiques of their photos. So I’ve decided to start doing that as a regular feature on this blog. Every week or two I’ll choose up to five photos that people submit and create a video where I discuss what worked and didn’t, plus demonstrate how I might crop and edit those photos using either Photoshop or Lightroom. I’ll only use the first name of the person the photo belongs to, and have set up a Dropbox folder for submissions where you can upload your photos to, but can’t see the other photos that are there. If you’d like to take part, simply follow the instructions below.

To take part, here’s all you need to do:

1 – Pick a photo or two that you’d like some feedback on (original files from the camera are best for the editing demo). Go to this Dropbox link and upload them. Again, no one else can see or access the files you upload.

2 – Keep an eye on my photography Facebook page or this blog for critique sessions as I post them. I’ll delete the files after I do the critique.

That’s all. Below is a before and after example of what I plan to do. Hope you take part!

(If you like this story, please share it with your friends, and let them know about the links on photography I post on my business Facebook page. I’m also on Twitter and Instagram @reedhoffmann)