Great news – I’ve now finished setting up the photo trips I’ll be leading this fall and early next year. Here’s a quick update on those and more planned in 2025 that I still have openings for, and you can find lots more  information about them here.

– South Dakota, September 8-13, 2024

– Moab, November 12-17, 2024.

– Acadia, October 15-20. Just one spot remains open.

– Patagonia, December 5-17, 2024 (almost sold out).

– The Page/Monument Valley (late August) and Acadia (mid-October) workshops sold out before I could even get this page up. But if you’d like to be added to a waiting list, let me know.

This is what I have scheduled, or planned, for the first half of 2025:

– Iceland in Winter, February – not as cold as you might think, and Northern Lights! Finishing the details soon.

– Savannah (and Charleston), March 2-7, 2025 (one spot remaining).

– Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham (a repeat of this workshop in 2024), probably early April, 2025.

– Namibia, April 2025 (with my friends at the Creative Photo Academy). Details almost completed.

– Ireland, May 2025. In planning.

– Newfoundland, late June 2025. In planning.

– Tanzania and the Serengeti, late July, 2025. In planning.

I’ll have more U.S. trips to announce late this year, or early next year. As always, if you have any questions about any of these trips, please let me know.

(If you like this story, please share it with your friends and let them know about the links on photography that I post on my business Facebook page. You can also find my photos on Instagram. And if you’re curious about the workshops I teach, you can find them here. Finally, you can subscribe to this blog on my home page.)