Reed Hoffmann’s Photography Blog

From Camera to Twitter
Saturday night I covered a big celebrity charity event for the Kansas City Star . And because I was stage-side, I also texted 47 photos from my camera to their reporters so they could post ASAP to Twitter, in near real-time. Here’s how those photos got from camera to twitter. Social media’s become such a […]

Nikon D7500 First Impressions
For many, the biggest news from Nikon this spring was the announcement of the D7500. I’ve been a big fan of the D7XXX-series (D7000, D7100, D7200) cameras for a long time now. Nikon always manages to pack a lot of great features into that small-body, budget-priced camera, so I was eager to get my hands […]

Smart Photographers Impress Me
I’ve just returned from leading a workshop to Russia and Estonia, and had one particular experience where I thought, “Wow, smart photographer.” Despite Communism’s opposition to religion and the confiscation of religious property, they didn’t destroy what was there. On an afternoon visit to one of these fabulous old churches in St. Petersburg (St. Nicholas), […]

Image Critique 102
I’ve just finished the second critique of submitted photos. To view it, simply click on the image below. You can make the video play full screen, where it will be easier to see the edits I do, by clicking the icon in the lower right (between the “HD” and “vimeo” icons). If you’d like to submit […]

Family Vacation Photo Tips
If you’re into photography, then you know how hard it can be to try to do any serious photography when on a family vacation. When I was full-time newspaper photographer, I’d take a little point-and-shoot on family vacations. Trying to make good pictures was my job, and if I had a “real” camera on vacation, […]

First Critique Video Posted!
Good news – I’ve just finished the first critique I promised of submitted photos. You can view it by clicking “Read more,” then the screen after that. If you’d like to submit photos for a future video critique, simply follow the directions in this post. And of course, you can make the video play full […]

Utah National Parks Workshop
Five national parks in five days. That sounds pretty ambitious if you’re just trying to check them off a list, but what if you’re trying to make pictures? Is that even possible? That was our challenge on a recent workshop I helped teach for Mentor Series. As usual, the answer revolved around careful planning (and […]

Nebraska Birding Photography Adventure
I’ll admit it – I’m a fair-weather birder. They’re usually just too darn small and far away to make good pictures. But get me close to some action, and I sing a different tune. A few years ago an old friend here in Kansas City asked if I was interested in going to see Sandhill […]

Best Photos from 2016
Every year around this time I post a few of my favorite photos from the previous year. And that’s something I strongly believe every photographer needs to do. Go through your photos from the previous year, select the best 10-15, and do something special with them. I’m still a big fan of making prints, as having that physical […]

Sleeklens Landscape Software Review
I’ve spent a lot of time teaching software, which means I’m always looking for anything new that might be better or easier. Sometimes that means software packages, like Mylio. Other times it’s plugins, like Nik (now owned by Google), which attempt to simplify the process of working on images. A few weeks ago I had […]