Reed Hoffmann’s Photography Blog

Photos from a Workshop – Iceland

Photos from a Workshop – Iceland

If you’ve ever been to Iceland, you know that its name is misleading. Yes there’s some ice, but in summer it’s a landscaper’s dream. Jagged mountains, lush fields, waterfalls, geysers and hot springs, fjords, glaciers, icebergs, ocean – an incredible diversity of environments spread over a relatively small area. While the only native mammal to the […]

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African Photo Safari Moments

African Photo Safari Moments

“Rhino!” That was the shout that electrified everyone in our truck. In six trips to the Serengeti, I had yet to see that most iconic, and most endangered, animal there. Although we weren’t close, it was a magical moment. And that’s what I tell everyone about these workshops to Africa – each is unique, with amazing […]

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How Mylio changed and improved my Photography Workflow

How Mylio changed and improved my Photography Workflow

You’ve probably read that over the last year I’ve been using new photo software called Mylio, and been giving classes and workshops on it. One of the most common questions I hear is, “How do you use it?” While Mylio can be pretty simple at a basic level, I’ve learned how to really take advantage of its power […]

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Photographing the Northern California Coast

Photographing the Northern California Coast

If you’ve ever driven the California coast, you understand why it’s so popular with poets and songwriters. Highway 1, south of San Francisco and through Big Sur, must be one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. What makes it so attractive? It’s rough, with lots of rock and crashing surf. But it’s also […]

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Best of 2015

Best of 2015

We like to joke that picking our best pictures is like being asked which child we love most – it’s an impossible task. But our pictures don’t have feelings, so there’s no harm in choosing, it’s just hard work. And that’s something we have to learn to do as photographers or we’ll drown in our […]

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