Reed Hoffmann’s Photography Blog

Assignment – London Times

Friday Night Football

Fall Foliage Walk

Viewfinder for Video

Shooting “Wicked”: The Magic of Preparation
This week the musical “Wicked,” started a three-week run in Kansas City. And that resulted in a phone call to me, and a late night photo shoot. The call was from a PR person working with the production, and she wanted to know if I could help them make a special picture. Union Station in […]

Zoo Workshop
Occasionally I host small hands-on photography workshops here in Kansas City. In the past I’ve done them at Powell Gardens, but a couple of weeks ago I led one at the Kansas City zoo. Zoos are great locations for photo outings, so I booked a room and had nine people join me. With any workshop […]

Classic Kansas City Scenes
Recently I began a personal project to shoot the iconic scenes around Kansas City. I’ve lived here for nearly fourteen years, but most of my local photography has been assignment work. My opportunities to go out and make “pretty” pictures, which I really enjoy, have happened while I’ve been on the road teaching workshops. At home my responsibilities to my family – dogs, kids, house, food, etc. – usually trumped any ability to go and play. But things change.

How to Shoot Blurry Water
Most people like those photos that show moving water as a cottony blur, and I’m often asked how that’s done. On our recent vacation to Colorado we hiked past several streams which gave me a chance to make some photos that demonstrate how to get that look. To begin, let’s think about what needs to […]

Assignment – NFL Game