by Reed Hoffmann | Apr 1, 2017 | Advanced, Archiving, Beginner, Composition, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, People, Travel, Workshops
Every year around this time I post a few of my favorite photos from the previous year. And that’s something I strongly believe every photographer needs to do. Go through your photos from the previous year, select the best 10-15, and do something special with...
by Reed Hoffmann | Mar 7, 2017 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, Travel, Workshops
I’m teaching a workshop for Best Buy this week in Tucson, and wanted to take advantage of being in the desert. So last night I took a stroll out among the cactus to do some light painting. Here are the steps I go through when doing that: 1 –...
by Reed Hoffmann | Mar 4, 2017 | Advanced, Beginner, Editing, Education, Intermediate, Lightroom, Photoshop
One thing I hear regularly from students is how much they learn from critiques of their photos. So I’ve decided to start doing that as a regular feature on this blog. Every week or two I’ll choose up to five photos that people submit and create a...
by Reed Hoffmann | Feb 20, 2017 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Composition, Intermediate, Lenses, Light, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
In the summer of 2015 I was the photographer on a ship in the Arctic, and the staff there kept telling me if I liked the Arctic, I’d love the Antarctic. They were right. This January I led a photography workshop to the Antarctic Peninsula on a One Ocean Expeditions...
by Reed Hoffmann | Feb 7, 2017 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Computers, Editing, Exposure, Focus, Intermediate, Lenses
I’ve always enjoyed photographing sports. Each one requires knowledge to anticipate where the key action, or moments, might happen. Some, like golf, are physically demanding (no golf carts for photographers!), Baseball is all about fast reaction and timing. And a big...
by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 15, 2016 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, Technology, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
In the days of film, we shot low ASA’s to minimize grain. With digital, we learned that raising ISO (the term that replaced ASA) resulted in more visible noise and loss of color saturation, so we stayed away from that too. But with today’s cameras, sensors and...