by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 15, 2016 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, Technology, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
In the days of film, we shot low ASA’s to minimize grain. With digital, we learned that raising ISO (the term that replaced ASA) resulted in more visible noise and loss of color saturation, so we stayed away from that too. But with today’s cameras, sensors and...
by Reed Hoffmann | Oct 19, 2016 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Education, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, People, Workshops
My education in lighting began back in 1980 with a pair of what we called “hot lights” (Lowell Tota-lights). Designed for TV location lighting, in addition to being bulky and putting out a lot of heat, they also regularly blew fuses in people’s homes....
by Reed Hoffmann | Sep 27, 2016 | Beginner, Composition, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, Travel
I love fall, with its cooler temperatures and changing color. And as a photographer, I try to take advantage of that color, since it only happens once a year and is so brief. I got a head start this year thanks to an assignment in Colorado. Going up near 10,000-feet,...
by Reed Hoffmann | Sep 6, 2016 | Beginner, Composition, Exposure, Flash, Intermediate, Light, People
Here in Kansas City, we live less than an hour from a place that becomes an unusually eye-catching photo spot once a year: Ted Grinter’s Sunflower Field. When the flowers are at peak, the owners not only allow but encourage the public to come out and traipse...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 24, 2016 | Advanced, Archiving, Beginner, Computers, Intermediate, Technology, Travel
What if you could have precise GPS location information for every photo you shoot? And better yet, you could do that for free? You probably can, and here’s how. During the Africa workshop I taught this summer, the other instructor (Bob Smith) told me he was using a...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 4, 2016 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Technology
There are a lot of misconceptions, misperceptions, and just plain “misses” flying around out there about memory cards. I’ve been fortunate to work closely with both Lexar and SanDisk over the past fifteen years, and learned more than a few things about cards. So here...