by Reed Hoffmann | Dec 14, 2015 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Lenses, Video
Bad weather can make good pictures. Which is about the only reason I was at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday afternoon. For the second home game in a row, we had constant rain. What a pain. On the plus side, the light was nice and soft, meaning no contrast problems or faces...
by Reed Hoffmann | Dec 8, 2015 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Editing, Education, Filters, Flash, Holidays, Intermediate, Workshops
It’s that gifting time of year again, so here’s a list of suggestions for that photographer near and dear to you. Some will make them better photographers, expand what they can do, keep them comfortable or just be fun. Some are expensive, some aren’t....
by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 2, 2015 | Beginner, Composition, Intermediate, Lenses, Travel
One of the joys of living someplace with four seasons is watching them come and go. Fall has always been my favorite of the bunch, with its change of color. Of course that’s especially nice if you’re into photography. But it also presents two big problems – it...
by Reed Hoffmann | Sep 17, 2015 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Composition, Education, Exposure, Flash, Intermediate, Light
I’m a big fan of planning. Thinking through what you’re going to do, having the right gear, being prepared – those are all important to being successful. But things don’t always go the way we plan. So it’s just as important to be flexible, prepared to toss that...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 31, 2015 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Education, Exposure, Flash, Intermediate, Light, People
A long time ago I learned the hard way that the more I tried to do fancy lighting for portraits, the less likely I’d get a good picture. So my rule became “simple is good.” And that’s just what I did last week. I’ve got a friend who coaches his kids’ sports, and...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 15, 2015 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Education, Intermediate, Lenses, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
In June I got a call asking if I was available to teach photography on an Arctic cruise in July. And since I’d already be there, could I stay and do a second cruise? While my calendar’s been pretty full this year, July was the one month that was wide open. So,...