by Reed Hoffmann | Feb 10, 2015 | Advanced, Beginner, Editing, Filters, Flash, Intermediate, Light, Travel, Wildlife
I had the great pleasure of leading my first Yellowstone winter photography workshop in January, and wanted to take a few minutes to go through some of the things we shot, with details on the how and why. We split our time in the park between Mammoth Hot Springs and...
by Reed Hoffmann | Jan 11, 2015 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Editing, Exposure, Flash, Focus, Holidays, Intermediate, People
A friend recently sent me some photos he was unhappy with, and asked my opinion. Looking at them, I saw he’d done a lot of things right, and had the right idea. But shallow depth of field, and being very critical of image quality were creating his issues. Let’s look...
by Reed Hoffmann | Dec 26, 2014 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Holidays, Intermediate, Light
Now’s a great time to go out and practice your night photography skills. The craziness of the holidays is winding down, but the light displays are still in full glory, and will be for the next several weeks. So let’s go over the basics of what it takes to make nice...
by Reed Hoffmann | Dec 9, 2014 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Filters, Flash, Intermediate, Lenses
Once again it’s that time of year when we’re looking for special for gifts for friends and family. If you’re lucky, they’ve asked you for a list of things you’d like. Or maybe you’re just tired of buying for others and want to treat yourself to something...
by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 20, 2014 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Composition, Exposure, Filters, Intermediate, Light, Travel
I love shooting pictures. I also travel a lot, and don’t love that. So whenever possible, I try to take advantage of that travel to squeeze in some shoot time. Last weekend I had a quick trip to Washington, DC to teach Nikon School, and because of a change of plans,...
by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 13, 2014 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, History, Intermediate, Lenses, Travel
If it seems like photography’s always changing, you’re right. It’s been doing that from the beginning, over 150 years ago. I was reminded of this recently when reading a story about improvements in mirrorless cameras. While interesting, it’s not as big a deal as some...