Pro Tips

On these pages I share what I’ve learned over four decades of being a professional photographer, and the last two decades teaching photography, from both the technical and creative sides. I hope you find them helpful.


Understanding, and using, the rules of composition are what will help you grow as a photographer and make your photos stand out.


Flash lets you create light, and thus make photos that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Learning proper use of flash is a key to becoming a better, more complete photographer.


With digital photography, a good workflow, and understanding the right way to work with and share images can be as important as the images themselves.


In this section, I explain the different qualities of light and how you, as a photographer, can play to the strengths of each of them to make the best possible pictures.

Camera GEAR

Sometimes, having and using the right gear is the difference between a so-so picture or a great shoot. From cameras to menus, lenses, tripods, and other accessories, I’ll explain what I use and why.


I’ve filled these free PDF guides with detailed information to help make travel easier, your workflow better and your photos stronger. You can download these and use them as reference material.