Since the late 90s I’ve taught photography, workflow, editing and lighting at workshops and seminars in the U.S. and around the world. From 2002 through 2018 I created and taught over 200 Nikon School of Photography classes across the country for Nikon USA, reaching over 20,000 people. I take great pride in being able to teach to any level and make it fun, from someone just starting out to the person who’s been doing serious photography for years. No matter their skill level, most people simply want to become better photographers and have fun doing it.
In addition to public and private training, here are some of the companies I’ve run training or taught workshops for:
Popular Photography and American Photography magazines (the Mentor Series), Nikon USA (Nikon School and two online video classes), Geek Cruises, The Associated Press, Best Buy, Pack Paddle Ski, Blue Pixel Digital Experts, One Ocean Expeditions, Rich Clarkson Digital Summits, New England Camera Clubs Council and Microsoft, plus over thirty newspapers across the U.S. (image quality and digital workflow training).
The links below will take you to pages that cover the different types of training I lead, as well as some additional material you may find helpful (the “E-Learnings”):