by Reed Hoffmann | Dec 1, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Lenses, Light, Wildlife
I went out recently planning to test the new Nikon Z 6 II’s improved autofocus by doing some bird photography. Once again, though, what I planned to do and what actually happened were two different things. As a lifelong Nikon shooter, and an early adoptee of their...
by Reed Hoffmann | Sep 17, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Editing, Focus, Intermediate, Lenses, Sports
This is the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night. A big NFL assignment, uncertain access and questions about what gear would work best. Welcome to my sleepless nights. I’ve photographed the National Football League since 1980, the first twenty years with the...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 18, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Editing, Exposure, Intermediate, Lenses, Wildlife
I’ve always said I pity people who like to do bird photography. Their goal is to get close to small critters that don’t want them close, which requires patience and a long lens. It’s a real challenge. I’ve never been much of a birder before, but now, well… COVID. I...
by Reed Hoffmann | Jun 4, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Lenses, Sports, Wildlife
I’ve been shooting digital for over twenty years, starting with a 1.3-megapixel camera that cost $15,000. For those first ten years, every camera I used had a sensor smaller than a piece of 35-millimeter film (what is now referred to as “full frame”). But even after I...
by Reed Hoffmann | Apr 5, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Focus, Intermediate, Lenses, People, Travel, Workshops
At the beginning of February I received a Nikon Z 50, and since then have used it for two workshops in Cuba, a short trip to San Diego and two NCAA basketball games. For a camera aimed at the more basic end of the market, it has the quality and performance to...
by Reed Hoffmann | Feb 6, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Composition, Focus, Intermediate, Technology, Wildlife
Aside from understanding what the different focus modes on your camera do, the single best thing you can do to improve your use of autofocus is what’s often referred to as “back-button focus.” Here’s why… Back in the early 90s, when decent autofocus was in its...