by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 24, 2020 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Education, Intermediate, Lenses, Night Photography, Workshops
Is it possible to run a socially distanced photography workshop in the time of COVID? Yes. Is it easy? No. But that’s just what I did recently in Moab, Utah. I’ve been leading a fall workshop in Moab since 2017, and had another planned for this year. By summer though,...
by Reed Hoffmann | Oct 15, 2020 | Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Filters, Intermediate, Lenses, Light
In the years I spent as a newspaper photographer, I was always jealous of reporters for one thing: they didn’t have to actually witness an event to report on it. They could interview people who had been there. Not so for photographers. If we missed it, we missed it....
by Reed Hoffmann | Sep 17, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Editing, Focus, Intermediate, Lenses, Sports
This is the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night. A big NFL assignment, uncertain access and questions about what gear would work best. Welcome to my sleepless nights. I’ve photographed the National Football League since 1980, the first twenty years with the...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 27, 2020 | Advanced, Camera Gear, Education, Exposure, Intermediate, Lenses, Night Photography
In photography, f/4 is f/4 is f/4, right? Whether you’re changing lenses, zooming the same lens or comparing exposures with a friend using a different make of lens, f/4 is f/4. The answer is actually, “sometimes yes, sometimes no,” and the reason why is well worth...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 18, 2020 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Editing, Exposure, Intermediate, Lenses, Wildlife
I’ve always said I pity people who like to do bird photography. Their goal is to get close to small critters that don’t want them close, which requires patience and a long lens. It’s a real challenge. I’ve never been much of a birder before, but now, well… COVID. I...
by Reed Hoffmann | Aug 4, 2020 | Beginner, Camera Gear, Exposure, Intermediate, Lenses, Light, Night Photography, Travel
Photography has always been a balm for me. Picking up a camera and creating something interesting is not just a creative release, but a tonic for stress. And like most of us, I’ve needed that more than ever these past five months. That’s why I’ve started taking photo...