by Reed Hoffmann | Feb 7, 2019 | Action, Beginner, Exposure, Intermediate, Light, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
As a photographer, when I’m presented with poor light, I know I’ll have to be more careful in how I use my exposure controls: ISO, shutter speed and aperture. Which ones and how depends on what I’m trying to shoot. If there’s action, I’ll open the aperture and raise...
by Reed Hoffmann | Nov 5, 2018 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Lenses, People, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
It’s hard to beat the wildlife in the Galapagos islands, but that’s not the only reason I love taking groups down there. Ecuador itself is a fascinating country, with welcoming people and beautiful countryside. To make the most of the trip, we spend some time at the...
by Reed Hoffmann | Jul 26, 2018 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Focus, Intermediate, Wildlife
When I started in photography, there was only manual focus, turning the ring on the lens until what you saw in the viewfinder looked sharp. Today autofocus is so good I think you’d be nuts not to take advantage of it, at least when shooting action. The challenge is...
by Reed Hoffmann | Jul 12, 2018 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate, Light, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
In late June I led my seventh trip to the Serengeti in east Africa to photograph wildlife. People ask me, “Don’t you get bored returning to the same place again and again?” And of course, my answer is “No.” While we go to the same areas, the animals, and their...
by Reed Hoffmann | Apr 21, 2018 | Action, Advanced, Camera Gear, Exposure, Intermediate, Lenses, Light, Travel, Wildlife, Workshops
This spring, due to some unusual scheduling, I led my fifth and six trips to Peru. The first, in March, included my second visit to the Peruvian Amazon. It’s a unique ecosystem, teeming with life, which would seem to make it a great place for photographers. However,...
by Reed Hoffmann | Mar 21, 2018 | Action, Advanced, Beginner, Camera Gear, Intermediate, Lenses, Light, Travel, Wildlife
One of my favorite words is “serendipity” – finding something you weren’t expecting. For me, serendipity is one of the great joys of photography. I go out expecting to photograph one thing, but instead find something different. And if I’m lucky, those surprises turn...