In the first year of Covid, I developed four different online classes,and taught them over 20 times. Then I needed a break. Since then, I’ve had people regularly ask if I was going to teach any again. So I did, last winter, through the Creative Photo Academy.

I’m doing the same again this winter, offering the Wildlife Photography class in January and the Night Photography class in February. Both are taught over three weeks, one night a week, for 90-minutes each, for a total of 4.5 hrs of instruction. The classes come with working notes and are recorded, so you can review them for a few months afterwards (or in case you have to miss one). You can find more details, and a link to sign up, on the “New Workshops” page on my website.

If you’re looking for hands-on photo trips, I still have a couple of openings on the Sloss Furnaces, Croatia/Slovenia/Venice and Namibia workshops in the spring. And looking further ahead, I’ve just scheduled to return to Peru again late next summer. It’s one of the most diverse trips I lead, with fascinating people, culture, history and beautiful landscapes. Not to mention an amazing guide. Again, more information can be found on the “New Workshops” page.