New Workshops

Since 2000 I’ve been leading hands-on shooting workshops all over the U.S. and around the world. They’ve ranged from long weekends to two-week adventures on the other side of the earth. Group sizes vary based on the trip, but my goals are always the same – to help you improve as a photographer, come back with pictures you’ll want to share and hang on your wall while having fun and memorable experiences. To me, photography is a great social activity, and more enjoyable when done with people who share a passion for it. These are the classes and trips I have scheduled right now, with new ones added as they’re planned. At the bottom of the page you’ll find a link to galleries of photos from past workshops. If you’d like to be notified as soon as a trip I’m working on (at the bottom of the page, “Future Workshops”) is ready for registration, just use  the “Contact” button above to send me an email. 

Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, AL, April 14-17, 2025 – I’m apppy to announce that we’re once again able to offer a very unique workshop on the grounds of an old iron mill from the 1800s. We’ll have special accesss – both day and night – at Sloss Furnaces, a National Historic Landmark. I’ll lead classroom sessions on night photography and light painting, and we’ll put that to use during our exclusive evening evening time at the site. I first ran this in 2024, with local photographer Meg McKinney, and here’s a story and photos from that workshop. You can find all the details for the 2025 trip here.  There’s still one spot open, so contact me if you’d like to join us.

Namibia, April 22 – May 2, 2025 – After running two workshops to Namibia (2019 and 2024), Mark Comon at the Creative Photo Academy asked me to put one together for them. More than just  an amazing African wildlife (Etosha National Park), we visit the tallest and most colorful sand dunes in the world, a ghost town being reclaimed by the desert, a quiver tree forest, local tribes and more.  Here’s a story and photos from my 2024 trip, and the one in 2025 includes all of that plus a couple of bonuses. You can find all the details for this new trip hereContact me if you have any questions.

Ireland, May 13-21, 2025 – I led a trip to Ireland in 2014 with a very similar itinerary, and have been itching to go back ever since. We’ll start in Dublin and work our way across this beautiful country, from east to west. Castles, cities and towns, beautiful landscapes and welcoming people. Another trip organized by my good friend Rene Bastien of Highlight Photo Tours, you can view a gallery of photos from that 2014 trip here, and find all the details for this 2025 trip here. Contact me if you have questions, or want to reserve a spot.

Newfoundland, June 18-26, 2025 – I’m excited to announce a new trip, and to visit someplace that’s been on my “need to get there” list for some time. Newfoundland offers a great variety of photo opportunities, from quaint and colorful villages to majestic, raw landscapes, plus icebergs and LOTS of birds (puffins!) as well. Another trip I’m helping lead with my buddy Rene Bastien of Highlight Photo Tours, who’s scouted the locations for this unique adventure.  You can find all the details for the trip here. It’s sold out, but contact me if you’d like to be added to the waiting list.

Sports Photography Workshop, July 11-17, 2025, Grand Rapids, MI – For fifteen years I’ve been doing photography for the country’s largest disabled sports organization, Move United, and each summer they run a week-long series of competitions. And for the third year now I’m offering the opportunity for three people to join me there to improve their sports photography.  Those three will split their time between working alongside me and doing assignments on their own. Here’s a story I wrote about that workshop this past summer. The three spaces recently filled, but let me know ifyou’re interested in being on the waitlist.

Tanzania and the Serengeti, July 21 – August 2, 2025 – This will be my 20th year leading trips to Tanzania and the Serengeti, and I’m even more excited than the first time. Why? Because I know what a great trip it is, and over the years I’ve worked with our guide there to make it better and better. If you want to see a LOT of African wildlife, and have some incredible moments, this is the trip for you. Another trip put together by my old friends at Pack Paddle Ski, you can find all the details for the trip here. Contact me if you have questions, or want to reserve a spot.

Future Workshops

Below are the trips I’m currently developing or scheduling. If you’re interested in any of these, email me and I’ll let you know as soon as they’re posted:


Page/Bryce/Monument Valley, late August

Montana, September

Sedona, October

Moab, November

and more to be announced later

Click here to see galleries of photos from past workshops

Online Classes

Online Landscape Photography class – While COVID forced me to cancel most of my in-person workshops in 2020, it’s also gave me time to create some online classes. The first of those is on Landscape Photography. I teach it live, via Zoom, over three evenings with 4.5 hours of content. Send me a note if you’d like information about the next time I plan to teach it. And you can watch a video preview of the class here.

Online Night Photography class –  The second online class I’ve created is on Night Photography, where I also teach Light Painting and Low Level Lighting. I teach it live, via Zoom, over three evening (in three consecutive weeks) with 4.5 hours of content. Send me a note if you’d like information about the next time I plan to teach it. You can watch a video preview of the class here

Online Wildlife Photography class – This is the third of my online classes, and covers what I’ve learned and teach guiding wildlife photography trips over the past 20 years. It’s taught live, via Zoom, over three nights (in three consecutive weeks) with 4.5 hours of content. You can see a video preview of some of the topics, as well as how I teach them, here. Contact me if you’d like to find out the next time I’m offering this class.

Online Mastering Flash class – For my fourth online class, I’m teaching how to use flash as a creative tool, in everything from portraiture to landscape photography. It’s taught live, via Zoom, over three nights (in three consecutive weeks). The presentation has nearly 600 slides in it that are presented over 4.5 hours. Send me a note if you’d like information about the next time I plan to teach it. You can get a preview of some of the topics, as well as how I teach them, here.